"Wolf Whistle" by Neal Lekwa, Oil on Canvas
"Wolf Whistle" by Neal Lekwa, Oil on Canvas
"Wolf Whistle" by Neal Lekwa, Oil on Canvas

"Wolf Whistle" by Neal Lekwa, Oil on Canvas

Regular price $14,000.00 Sale


42” X 58”

Oil on Canvas

Original Art Work


Neal Lekwa

I love to paint in order to escape to other worlds through creating dreamlike experiences. I love to sleep also, so the dreamworlds of my dreams become more easily understood when I’m able to create equally non-sensical but fascinating combinations with almost unidentifiable figures and details which beg and call out to be made sense of. The viewer thus becomes participatory in each NKL Art Dreamworks’ creation to try and make sense of the non-sensical.

My process for making these 21st Century AI art rendered images is of some note. Working with three of the top AI (artificial intelligence) and NN (neural-networking) designers and engineers of algorithms in the world, I am able to create everything I wish to commit to a finished oil painting to a finished digital image first. That way I can check every detail and make certain that this image, of many thousands that I’ve created, is one worthy of transforming to an actual oil painting.

Using a specially training artisan team to do much of the final brush work, a team I’ve trained and worked with for almost ten years, the final images in oil on canvas are rendered.

The fact that artisans are used in the process, a well-noted process employed by Leonard di Vinci, Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons, does not affect the certified Appraisal Street Value.  My works typically appraise at $14,000 and up in larger sizes. Depending on the size of the package the client orders the appraisal value set at purchase may exceed the actual paid value 5-10 times. It is this kind of leverage collectors who look for rapid appreciation with new, critically-acclaimed artists seek.