46 x 35
Original Arwork
Mixed Media on Canvas
Hello my name is Jordi Llagostera Roig, I am 28 years old and for the last 6 months I have been professionally dedicated to painting. Now I'm doing what I've always wanted.
From my early childhood I knew I wanted to be a painter but I was also inclined to learn other aspects as well as developing a variety of skills before going for my goals. This is why I studied other subjects and I became dental technician, which enabled me to develop some capacities that I ignored that I had. Six month ago I left my job and now I am ready.
During the last half year I have made a living out of painting portrait.
From an artistic level I always try to innovate and improve, since I am not only interested in earning money, my dream is to be able to contribute something new to the art world, and I think I can do it, taking as reference the great modern and contemporary painters.
What I prioritize the most in my painting is the expression and the essence of what I want to convey, beyond aesthetics.