“The Supreme's Dance” By Summer Bhullar, Silkscreen Print
“The Supreme's Dance” By Summer Bhullar, Silkscreen Print
“The Supreme's Dance” By Summer Bhullar, Silkscreen Print

“The Supreme's Dance” By Summer Bhullar, Silkscreen Print

Regular price $11,000.00 Sale


12" x 19"

Original Artwork 

Silkscreen Print 



Instagram: @supremerealityartist 

Summer Bhullar is a New York City artist of an original genre named Supreme Reality Art. She is a spiritual seeker and her artworks represent her experiences with The Supreme Reality. 

Summer was born and grew up in India within a spiritual family. Her father is a Mystic and her Spiritual Guide. During early childhood drawing, sketching, and painting came naturally to her. She continued to self learn art and went on to complete her Master’s in Philosophy. She came to the USA in 2009 and began studying art formally at the National Academy Museum & School, New York City. Summer decided to live here as she saw it as the best place to evolve her art and explain it to the world.

Summer has exhibited her artwork in several galleries and international exhibitions since 2011.  Two of her artworks were selected in an international show for solo display in Times Square. In 2015 she was granted permanent residence in the United States on the basis of an artist of extraordinary ability. In 2020, she was accepted as a juried member by the National Association of Women Artists, Inc.

Art experts have reviewed her artwork and corroborated her style as original. Summer feels indebted to The Supreme Being for this ability to express The Supreme Reality through art. She says that her art is unique not because art critics feel it, but since it will exalt art to take its true purpose in life, and give the art world real canons to evaluate artwork and teach art skills. Any gifted creativity she feels comes with a responsibility, and should, in addition to evolving the Self, be used to inspire and guide others toward the True Purpose of life.

Website: http://www.supremerealityart.net