21.5" X 29.5"
Oil on Canvas
Original Art Work
Dagmar Gögdün
I was born in Zeitz/Germany. My childhood was rather difficult, because due to the profession of my father – an engineer – who worked in several countries like Mexico, Spain, Luxemburg I had to change eight schools and was educated in three languages, German, Spanish and French. Nevertheless I succeeded to become a foreign correspondent and due to a job offer in Istanbul, I decided to work there. Here I got to know my husband and settled down in Istanbul.
When my husband got president of the Eminönü Rotary Club we choose as our project to show Turkey from her intellectual side and organized for this purpose a painting exhibition with the works of the assistants belonging to the academy of fine arts – Mimar Sinan University/Istanbul. This exhibition was shown in Frankfurt and Vienna. During this organization I was so much impressed by fine arts that I could never get rid of it. I attended the Mimar Sinan University as a guest student and later on took private lessons from 2 assistants of this university. I worked hard and opened my first exhibition in 1996. So far I had 18 solo exhibitions and about 25 group exhibitions in Istanbul, Germany, New York, Las Vegas,Miami and Rome.
The subject of my paintings are flowers in general, because during our stay in Monclova/Mexico, situated in the middle of the dessert, my father often took us to the nearby dessert in the evening to get some refreshment. The beautiful blossoms of the cactuses growing there and their beautiful scent impressed me probably so much that this adventure settled down in my brain and is hence the reason for my painting flowers.