Leisure Time by Manoushak Azad, Acrylic on Canvas
Leisure Time by Manoushak Azad, Acrylic on Canvas
Leisure Time by Manoushak Azad, Acrylic on Canvas

Leisure Time by Manoushak Azad, Acrylic on Canvas

Regular price $6,200.00 Sale

78 x 74

Original Artwork

Acrylic on Canvas


With marker and acrylic paint, Manoushak Azad creates busy, swirling compositions and headless bodies. Her passion for art started from the early ages of her life. She used to draw different people, hairstyles, dresses, cloths at those ages. Her direction changed at the age of 9 when she attended an art class. Under her master’s mentorship for several years she learnt how to create her visions in her arts, and she got familiar with abstract art. First, she started by utilizing masses of curvilinear lines and soft shapes to create forms that appear as if born from nature. She used to depict natural scenes like a jungle, galaxy, space, nature, nerves, etc. Manoushak illustrates diverse subjects in her inimitable style, layering tangled webs of lines to create depth in her sprawling compositions. After finishing school of Art and Architecture in Tehran, Iran and moving to Australia for continuing her studies in Construction Management, she added more figurative curve forms to her work to emphasizes on her new point of view in life as an immigrant in a new society by showing more different people forms and quantities of nude bodies on each single canvas. She inspires by people, life, friends and all possible elements around in her social and private life.