5 x 8
Original Artwork
Oil and Paper on Wood
Framed in a Mirror Frame
I have been working as an artist for over 30 years. In 2002 I found I could interpret a vibrant and colorful light which I saw around a someone’s body. (see http://www.degard.org/artist-statement-new-2/ for the full story) I have come to call this ‘encounter’ the Aura Pure. This aura is what makes us live as sentient beings. I attempt to depict the Aura Pure in my work.
The Aura Pure includes your conscious thinking self and your memory. The Aura Pure isn’t a blob of light around the body but a complex weave of energy strands, shapes and forms often coloured in and around the body sometimes extending far from the person. Please see www.degard.org for more.
Through expressing ideas about the Aura Pure this has led me to meet many like-minded individuals who loosely have come to make up ‘The Aetheric’ involving others who have had extraordinary experiences and express this openly through Art, Science and other disciplines. Please see www.aethericlife.org . I am also doing a series of talks ‘Art with..’ at The Royal Society of Arts, London https://www.thersa.org/events/fellowship-events/2019/06/rsa-rawthmells-art-with...-homelessness
Publications about my work can be found at www.aethericism.com