Childhood by Fahimeh Sorkhabi, Acrylic on Canvas
Childhood by Fahimeh Sorkhabi, Acrylic on Canvas

Childhood by Fahimeh Sorkhabi, Acrylic on Canvas

Regular price $4,800.00 Sale

36 x 36 

Original Artwork 

Acrylic on Canvas 



She says: “I’ll make a mirror of my paintings, where everyone can see their inner-selves within it.” Fahimeh Sorkhabi was born in an art-loving family. During high school, she had various successes and won many awards in local and nationwide art competitions. She got accepted to the University of Tehran, where she got her Bachelor's in Fine Arts. She learned about the academics the works of the masters of painting of the world, from renowned professors such as Mehdi Hosseini, Jalil Ziapour, and Bahman Boroujeni.

  In 1988 she opened her animation company and trained over twenty of today’s known professional animators. With her team, she directed and animated over 350 minutes worth of animation in two tv series, both titled Lala & Lulu (2D cell animation) of which the episodes Happy Birthday, and Shark Story were nominated for national and international awards from the International Children’s Movies Festival of Isfahan, and International Animation Festival of Tehran.

  Her animated short The First Sin, entered Cine Foundation: Cannes Film Festival and proved her prowess as an animator. In 1988 The First Sin and Shark Story were screened in the Kanoon Foundation of Art and Culture as works of a master. She was also a judge on the panel of House of Cinema film festival, and Tehran’s International Film Festivals (2000 & 2001) and this gave her the opportunity to watch and analyze the short films and animated films of those years, and become more involved with her peers in the cinematic and animated arts.

  Fahimeh’s fondness of three-dimensional art forms drew her towards art directing, so she became a production designer for the feature film Seven Songs (2003) and 92 episodes of the television series Friendship Taxi.

  She dabbled as a cartoonist and submitted her work to cartoon festivals. Her work has been published in the books of French and Italian festivals.

  Her curious mind wanted to challenge, and break free from the limitations of censorship imposed on artists and especially women, and the images created of women under the watchful reign of religion, politics, and conservative culture; she wanted to be able to question and challenge the world surrounding her in her art, from her own point of view. So she stopped working for tv, and away from the public eye, she painted and painted. The result of which was multiple paintings and several art exhibitions over the years.

Her immigration to Los Angeles and her introduction to other artists, including Anne Marie Karlsen, gave her artistic view a new perspective. Living in the free world freed her soul and her art. Now her art has gained a new color, and new messages to convey; she can now use all the visual aspects of art to connect with the viewer; she can screen a film, on a painting, and put it on display as a single art piece. Another artist, Ron Davis, urged Fahimeh to combine the outside world with her inner world and the inspirations from other artworks, to enrich her work and become the sole creator of the worlds that she paints.