Love Is In The Air By Sabine Schlindwein, Acrylic On Canvas
Love Is In The Air By Sabine Schlindwein, Acrylic On Canvas
Love Is In The Air By Sabine Schlindwein, Acrylic On Canvas

Love Is In The Air By Sabine Schlindwein, Acrylic On Canvas

Regular price $875.00 Sale

11.8" x 15.8"

Original Artwork 

Stretched On Canvas 

Sabine Schlindwein is an abstract artist, based in Mainz / Germany. In her former life she was a graphic designer and a coffin painter. Now she is working with fluid acrylics. With fluid acrylics she can create abstract landscapes with the most beautiful and natural color gradient.

She loves colors and extraordinary color combinations. Generally a new project starts for her with a color inspiration or a theme. In this intuitive creative process she mixes the colors  a day before the actual painting. Its like opening an inner door to her new painting. During she paints she meditates to have a good soul connection. She does everything in a very calm and intuitive way to let the beauty of the new artwork reveal itself. You can feel a good vibration in each of her artworks. 

Each painting after it is poured comes under a construction with less air to get a plane and smooth surface. It takes 4 - 9 days till the painting is dry.
"It’s as if my soul already knows the picture: Pouring the paint, I let the colours play. That’s the perfect dance of my soul.“ (Sabine Schlindwein)